Does the winter season affect our cycle?

Does the winter season affect our cycle?

Mother Earth is cyclical, just like us. As we move through the winter season, we can sometimes experience changes in our menstrual cycle. It can affect the length, comfort levels and our emotions. Let's have at look at why this can happen.

☾ Less sunshine

Time in the sun helps us make vitamin D and dopamine, both of which boost mood, motivation and concentration. Without this, we may notice more intense mood changes or emotions in our luteal phase, leading up to our period.

☾ Our blood vessels compress 

We may experience more intense period cramps in the winter months. This is because our blood vessels compress when its cold, which can interfere with blood flow and contribute to an increase in pain.

☾ Less follicle-stimulating hormone

During the winter months, less FSH is produced compared to summer, which can sometimes result in longer cycles. Ovulation frequency can also dip too. This has also been shown in women who live in colder temperatures, compared with those living in warmer climates*

While we can't rush nature, we can try and help ourselves feel more comfortable during the winter season. We know sunshine hours are more limited in the winter months, but when you can, try and get out in the sun - even if it's a brisk walk. Heat therapy can also be helpful for painful cramps - try a hot water bottle, wheat bag or a magnesium salt bath to ease any discomfort.


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